Turning Ashes Into Diamonds in the Most Affordable Way Possible

Diamonds are expensive gemstones. Whether you buy a lab-grown diamond or a mined diamond, you must be ready to shell a lot of money. This means that cremation diamonds, which are lab-grown, can be costly too. Besides, these are special diamonds; they are made by turning the ashes of your deceased love one into a sparkling diamond.

However, a diamond has to be exorbitantly priced is no thumb rule. You can get a diamond without emptying your wallet, after all.

How is it possible?

A few prestigious companies in this business of making cremation diamonds proudly offer the lowest prices in the market. It is possible for them to make affordable diamonds because they make the gems in their own laboratory with the most advanced technology and deep experience in this field. So, they are capable of providing you with a cost-effective way of keeping the memory of your loved one alive in the form of a dazzling diamond.

Many people hesitate to order cremation diamonds because they think it could cost them a fortune, especially a diamond that is custom-made using the ashes of their loved ones.

But once you associated yourselves with trusted names in this field, you can get a cremation diamond made at a cost lesser than the cost of the whole funeral and burial process!

A pack of diamonds for your family

You can order a huge diamond or a small one – the cost varies with the size and, of course, the jewellery setting. You can also order a pack of mini diamonds for the entire family. It is not necessary that you must set the diamonds in a jewellery. You can have loose diamonds too.

The cost of multiple loose mini diamonds would be lesser than the cost of one big diamond in a jewellery setting.

It is good to choose a company that has its own production facility. They can offer you diamonds at a more affordable cost. The price of a diamond engagement ring available at such companies can surprise you.

Don’t let price come in the way of your sentiments. You can get a precious memorial gem even on a tight budget. Let your loved one continue to illuminate your life even after they pass away. Turn them into a diamond.


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